Time Management for Creatives
Kelly Brown • June 21, 2021

A little cliche, but doable!

I remember as a child, when it cam time for arts and crafts, I would always want to keep going because it was tapping into my zone of genius just learned that term last week!) I was given a time in which to practice my future trade and I loved it!

Fast-forward 40 (ish ;)) years and I still get lost in my craft, but with A LOT more distractions!

During my master's studies, we were assigned the book "Hey, Whipple, Squeeze This: The Classic Guide to Creating Great Ads" by Luke Sullivan. During my studies I was the Director of Marketing and Tourism for the city where I live and had a schedule full of meetings and time-sensitive errands that left me little time to be creative. When I did have the few free moments to design, I felt pressured, not something that leads to the marketing masterpieces that make me proud.

“For me, writing any piece of advertising is unnerving. You sit down with your partner and put your feet up. You read the strategist's brief, draw a square on a pad of paper, and you both stare at the damned thing. You stare at each other's shoes. You look at the square. You give up and go to lunch. You come back. The empty square is still there. Is the square gonna be a poster? Will it be a branded sitcom, a radio spot, a website? You don't know. All you know is the square's still empty. So you both go through the brand stories you find online, on the client's website, what people are saying in the Amazon reviews. You go through the reams of material the account team left in your office. You discover the bourbon you're working on is manufactured in a little town with a funny name. You point this out to your partner. Your partner keeps staring out the window at some speck in the distance. (Or is that a speck on the glass? Can't be sure.) He says, “Oh.” Down the hallway, a phone rings. Paging through an industry magazine, your partner points out that every few months the distillers rotate the aging barrels a quarter turn. You go, “Hmm.” On some blog, you read how moss on trees happens to grow faster on the sides that face a distillery's aging house. Now that's interesting. You feel the shapeless form of an idea begin to bubble up from the depths. You poise your pencil over the page…and it all comes out in a flash of creativity. (Whoa. Someone call 911. Report a fire on my drawing pad 'cause I am SMOKIN' hot.) You put your pencil down, smile, and read what you've written. It's complete rubbish. You call it a day and slink out to see a movie. This process continues for several days, even weeks, and then one day, completely without warning, an idea just shows up at your door, all nattied up like a Jehovah's Witness. You don't know where it comes from. It just shows up. That's how you come up with ideas. Sorry, there's no big secret. That's basically the drill.”

― Luke Sullivan, Hey, Whipple, Squeeze This: The Classic Guide to Creating Great Ads

Too relatable. The empty page... the mortal enemy as the cursor lay blinking on the page and a fixed amount of time to design. Difficult, but not impossible!

A few years back, I learned about a time-blocking strategy called the Pomodoro Technique (a popular time-management method invented by Italian Francesco Cirillo.) Cirillo wrote, “I discovered that you could learn how to improve your effectiveness and be better able to estimate how long a task will take to complete by recording how you utilize your time.”

Wash. Rinse. Repeat. Stroke of Genius!

The Technique works like this:

  • Pick one project or task you want to focus on.
  • Set a timer for 25-30 minutes (or whatever you feel will best serve you, I usually do 45 minute sessions), and get to work.
  • When the timer buzzes, take a break that allows for refueling the brain (I reserve this time for household tasks, a walk, or reading usually 10 to 15 minutes)
  • Repeat.
  • After four sessions, take a longer break.
  • Check the box!

I don't like to assign the work times, exactly. I have a to-do list of items that need to get done and pick what inspires me for the session. BTW, there are some great timer apps that you can download on your computer that very helpful in creating this space. I like Forest and Timork. This also makes billing clients super easy and allows my extreme focus when completing a project

But, don't take just my word for it, check out this article on Forbes and see what you think!

Happy creating!

Creativity = washing a pig

“I’m serious. Creativity is exactly like washing a pig. It’s messy. It has no rules. No clear beginning, middle, or end. It’s kind of a pain in the ass,”

― Luke Sullivan, Hey, Whipple, Squeeze This: The Classic Guide to Creating Great Ads

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By Kelly Brown February 10, 2021
By Kelly Brown February 9, 2021
Set yourself apart to attract your favorite clients
By Kelly Brown January 28, 2021
WHERE DO I START? The list goes on, and on, and, on, and on! Let's break it down and simplify this madness a little. WHAT DO YOU DO? At first blush, this seems innocent enough, but, are you able to articulate clearly your "why"? It sounds so simple, right? However, all too often we are talking in circles when we try to describe what we do and why we do it because the ideas are swirling and we are excited to release the product/service to the world. Let's see if my story helps. Opportunity struck! My new hubby saw the stress in my eyes on the daily. I loved my job, but struggled with the never-ending list of non marketing and design tasks that plagued my creative spirit. Pair that with missing out on enjoying my last couple of years before my nest was empty and the stress of choosing a position that wasn't honoring my purpose and I was miserable! So, I gave my notice and started dreaming of the business that was growing in my mind and my heart. I had been studying tourism marketing while I was in this position and it felt natural to continue on that path. Right out of the gate, contract were happening and I was HAPPY! Then, COVID. No one was traveling and funds that usually supported marketing efforts for communities were being redirected to helping local businesses stay open. Because of my love for economic development in communities, I was in full support of the funding practices. I decided to aid in the continued growth and pivot my business to helping struggling establishments to flourish and burgeoning businesses to succeed. Since April of 2020 this is where I have found the most joy of my career in coaching and creating for businesses of all shapes, sized, and stages of development. UNDERSTANDING YOUR PASSION Recognizing your passion makes it easy to know your ""why," it is explaining it that makes conversation surrounding your business difficult. Even as a marketing professional, I feel like I am constantly refining my story. However, the other day, my 17-year-old daughter was telling me that she was asked what I do. Her reply was simply: "My mom is a marketing coach and a graphic designer." AH HA! So simple, yet on the nose. I felt like I had to give a long-winded explanation that is basically my resume. Nope... simple is SO much better! SHOUT YOUR STORY Once we can clearly articulate what we do along with our why, telling others about our business feels so easy. Here are a few ideas about how to establish what you do and why: If you had to explain to a 10-year-old what you do, what would you say? EX "I help people tell the story of their business so that their customers know that they exist and how to find them. I love telling stories and creating art that helps to tell the story." Now, polish it for adults that understand the basics of your profession. EX "I coach business owners in how to tell their story through simple marketing. techniques. There are so many factors to consider and I understand how the rabbit hole that research and decision-making can take us down can paralyze people from creating a great plan for promoting their brand." While that explains a lot, it is A LOT! So, let's simplify again: "I make marketing smarter, not harder" Cue the fanfare, I've done it! ️🎉️🎈 THAT'S COOL, NOW WHAT? Now it is time to shout it from the roof tops! But, where? How? We'll dive into that next! But here is a hint: Establish a business name Create a logo that represents your business well. (*HINT: Make sure it is appealing to you, but more importantly, your audience!) Establish brand colors and fonts to create brand consistency Build your brand voiceBuild your graphic support system Well, and, of course, BOOK A DISCOVERY CALL with me and I will help you build something GREAT! Until next time, happy marketing!
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